Thursday, July 25, 2013


A minor medical issue has coffee kind of contra-indicated just now, so this morning I drank an 'energy drink' instead.

BZZZZ!!!!    WHEE!!!!  Pardon me while I go wax the driveway!   ZOOOOooommmmMMM!


Unknown said...

That stuff'll kill ya.

Rev. Paul said...

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Willorith said...

Stay away from that stuff. It is seriously bad.

Old NFO said...

Yep, seriously bad... Daughter ended up having to have IV at hospital due to tachycardia after one...

Carteach said...

Hmm..... this wasn't one of those 5 hour bottle rockets, or even the big 'Monster' can. Just an off brand can of water and juice with B's and herbal stuff. Haven't had an adverse yet.

On the 'energy' side of it.... it's not that outstanding. On an empty stomach, fresh from bed, it's on a par with a cup of Starbucks nasty over roasted stuff, only with very little caffeine