Thursday, December 19, 2013

The first step .......

I have friends who self-identify as Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Tea Party, Liberal, Conservative, Gay, Straight, Bi, Black, White, Asian, Rural, Urban....

And I see none of them by the labels they attach to themselves.  I see them as David, Brooke, Rick, Phil, Janet, Malik, Matt, Aaron, Jon, Walt, Shana, Dan, Sarah....

I would ask them, and you, to read the piece I have linked, and think long and hard before attaching labels to other people.  Doing so... putting someone in a box with a neat label scrawled on the cover, is but one step on the road to dehumanizing them.   Be especially aware of why you might apply such a label.... and who encouraged you to do so, for labeling a person makes them less than human. 

Once it's established they are less than human..... evil wins.  Don't be a part of that.  Don't help it along.  Don't label people.

1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Good article, the real issue is that is HAS to be a two way street...