Friday, January 10, 2020

Be a 'Murican, laugh at those &^$&%$@#@'s

I believe it's important to make a point of partaking of the Bee's satire. Even if it doesn't strike one as funny, maybe even more so in that case.

Why? Because there's a whole bunch of politicians and 'media' folks who don't want you to. They are scared of the Bee. They would like to silence the humor that's beating them about the head and shoulders. In CNN's case, they are deathly scared that a tiny handful of Christian satire writers are more interesting to the public than CNN is.... by a LOT.

Anytime the powers that be, no matter who they are, fear humor..... it's the highest patriotism possible to laugh in their faces.

Be a 'Murican.... laugh at them, and yourselves.

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