Wednesday, January 8, 2020

When satire and comedy become real.....

Somewhere in a high tech trailer parked someplace in the world, a soldier asked "Hey Luit, do you want me to dice this terrorist, or julienne him?  What about the guy next to him?"

Some time later, an Iranian mullah is splathering spittle all over his goat while demanding his brand new next-to-be-diced military commander 'Strike at the heart of the infidels' ..... which results in a double handful of barely aimed rockets (built by Mr. Achmed's 4th grade science class, apparently) slamming into some dirt fields, somewhat in the vague direction of US forces, sorta.

Oh, and they also used a Soviet era AA missile to shoot down a totally unrelated civilian passenger airliner over their own capitol, murdering another few hundred innocent people.


 I blame the goat, shameless hussy that she is.


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