Monday, December 21, 2020

Ammo Shortage... some various thoughts

 Oh Lawdie Lawdie, whar's all de ammo gone?

The rest is just math.  I'm not good with the mathyness, but I think I can handle this.

Lessee..... we have 7,000,000 *new* firearm owners this year alone, it being 2020 and all.  If each of those *new* owners, having no back-stock laying around the house, was to buy just 100 rounds with their new purchase..... that would be 700,000,000 rounds of demand.

Now, add in all the regular demand (which our ammo industry is just in tune with) PLUS the other 150,000,000 pre-existing gun owners suddenly deciding that having more on hand would be a good idea..... and Whammo Blammo, we got's no ammo.

Actually, I can go on-line to SGAmmo right this minute and order a gozunda full of 9mm... as long as I can stomach paying 70 cents a round for cheap range ammo that was 24 cents this time last year.

Armslist has a plethora of folks who would be happy to sell me Remington jam-o-matic golden bullets by the brick for $65 per.

No ammunition builder in their right mind is going to be adding more capacity in this market, when 6 months from now it could easily tank.  Run 24/7 and fine tune their lines?  Hell yes.  Build new plants (which usually have 12-24 month lead times)?  Hell no.

Nope, you have what you have for now.  Husband it wisely, til some form of new-normality returns.

Meanwhile, maybe it's time to get serious about those dry-firing practice routines.... hmm?

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