Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Thoughts feeding from the 'Backup Coms' post...

Do you have a radio in your home?

Yeah, I know.  Weird question perhaps, but the 'Backup Coms' post got me thinking on those lines.  You know what?  I had to really think about this before I could answer my own question.

We have radio receivers in both our vehicles, so that's nice.  In the house, I have an old multi-band shortwave receiver upstairs someplace... I think.  I'll have to go find it and see if some idiot (me) left batteries in it to go bad.  I recall it took both AA's and D's.

When it comes to 2-way, I have some old and un-tested CB and 2-meter radios in the garage.  I guess I better dig them out and see what's what.

If we lost power for an extended time, to include the cell phone system, I suppose I could get us listening at the least.  Quite possible up on air if we need to be.

I have the thought that I'd better nail this item down now, while I easily can.

Also, just going to leave this this thought here:  Software Defined Radio.  SDR is a fascinating idea, although there appears to be a learning curve and I suppose it should be worked with *before* it's needed.  There is also the issue that it requires a working PC.  Can we keep a laptop charged up and functioning?  Maybe... maybe...


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