Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Moronocrat reveals a glimmer of her bankrupt soul, thinks people who make fun of her should be jailed

And why would such a critter be afeared of being made fun of? Because ridicule IS THE PROPER RESPONSE to the accumulation of political power.

These tweedledumbs only have the power we give them over us. They have only the power that people hand them. Without cowed citizens, willing police, and burrocrat hench-critters, they have nothing at all.

No one has ever asked why I refer to Trump as 'Cheeto Jesus'. I do so specifically because it's disrespectful, and makes fun of the man. He, and every other elected official, SHOULD be made fun of lest they end up like this particular slice of street scum who thinks her crap doesn't stink, and other mere mortals should bow before her 'Tority.

Lady, I hope your big stupid hat spontaneously bursts into flame, and your big stupid hair all burns off while your own staff howls with glee.

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