Tuesday, May 3, 2022


W: 348.0   Mea culpa.

Doom, AND dispair.
and Agony on me.

I'm sixty years old.  I've seen business's come and go my whole life. I've worked in business's that failed, or just plain closed due to lack of interest.  It's a fact of life and business and is to be expected.

That said, I can't recall a time in my life when I hear every day about business's shutting down because they can't afford raw materials, or can't even get raw materials.  Looking back through history, the last time I can find record of that happening was World War II, 80 years ago.

I have never, ever, heard of so many business's going under simply because they can't hire anyone.  That's a new one on me, and I can't find it historically either.  Now it's a daily story.

I don't have a point here beyond remarking on the situation.  I can't help but feel it's important, even if I'm not bright enough to put my finger on why.

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