Thursday, May 12, 2022

Baby chow...

Baby formula shortage... Some points to consider

  • We are told only FDA approved baby formula is safe for our babies.  Never, ever, make your own because it's DANGEROUS since it's not FDA approved.  Never mind it was the norm from 1960 and back, as doctors gave out formula recipes.
  • Wait... why is there a shortage?  Well, because the FDA shut down the largest plant of the largest supplier in the nation, for the chiiiiildren. This was in *February*, and still not fixed.
  • Wait..... why did they shut it down?  Well, it seems it was putting out baby formula with deadly bacteria in it.  A whistleblower let it be known, but the FDA refused to act till they had a few little teeny bodies to answer for.
  • Wait.... why did the plant put out poisonous baby formula?  Well, it seems the FDA cited them for the bacteria issues, and then failed to re-inspect the plant for TWO ^&%#%$@@ YEARS.
  • Wait.... why can't we just get it from France or Australia or someplace?  Well.... the FDA says there stuff hasn't been te$ted to exhau$tian yet, and we all know French babies are different than American babies.
The lesson here is obvious.  Never ever fail to trust the government to keep you safe, and for GOD'S SAKE don't even TRY To feed your kids the way Grandma did hers. Even for a few weeks till production is up again. It's dangerous!  Just ask the FDA.


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