Thursday, November 21, 2024


Finally home again.  We had to be away, duties elsewhere.  Probate/estate/dead friend kind of things.  I do not recommend it. Virginia DMV, post office, and Probate court are on the ball.  EVERY bank, insurance company, realtor, and police agency in the state can suck my.... 

We dealt with one lawyer, probate court, three banks, two real estate agents, two insurance companies, one police station, one DMV, and the post office, all in four days.  The court and the DMV performed perfectly and did what they said they would.  The rest... could not return calls or messages, could not show up on time or at all, and all universally decided at the last moment they needed yet ONE MORE obscure form known only to God or the decadents third grade teacher, over and over again.  ALL of them had their hand out, including the con man who hit us up at the dead guys house and our friends creepy thieving ex-neighbors.

We rolled the dice bankrolling an attorney and all the needful things setting up to handle an estate.  Looks like we might have lost that gamble.  We will get his affairs settled, but at a significant out of pocket.  So be it, I suppose.

Home, fed, fire going, and sipping an adult beverage.  Tired, both of us.  Very, very tired.  Tired physically, emotionally, and most of all with humanity.

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