Thursday, February 6, 2025

Waffles... Round II


Wife, the woman who does not like Belgium waffles, laid in bed last last night extolling the virtues of ME making WAFFLES this morning.

Waffles, round II: Lessons learned.

I used Krusteaz mix the first time, and noted a bit of a flat taste.  Less rich that I wanted. So this trip was Krusteaz with an extra egg and melted butter to replace the oil. Also a bit of vanilla.  I think I am almost there on the perfect waffles.

Herself got her Pecan waffles as requested, and I put a scoop of leftover apple crisp on mine.  Now I'm just going to sit here and groan for a while.

Convo in the kitchen:

Me:  "Wait, did you eat that whole thing?!?"

Her: "yes..."

Me:  "Do you regret that?"

Her:   "Erp.... yes".

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