Monday, March 24, 2025

3-24-25, Someone has a case of the Mondays log...

W: 312.6                BS: 149

Whoopty DO:

  • Dishes
    Dishes 2
  • Taxi 1
  • Taxi 2
  • Vacuum
  • ?

So, suppose there was a very exclusive club with only 677 members allowed.  The members are appointed by their peers and buddies, not elected, and they are members for as long as they chose to be.  The only criteria to be a member is that appointment by your friends. It's nearly impossible to remove someone from the membership for any reason.  In more than two centuries, only 8 members (out of thousands) have been removed for cause.

Now.... suppose this club thinks they have the authority to set the rules for an entire society of three million people, based solely on whim, and nobody can do a thing about it.

What do we call this club?  There are historical names for such a club.  What are those names?

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