W: 312.0 BS: 139
Stop the bleedingPay bills?DishesLaundryLaundry 2VacuumFire & WoodAir houseClean out grill and gratesClean out wood stoveTrashChickensPlant stuffTaxi 1Taxi 2Make breakfast and dinner
Woke at two with my standard teacher nightmare. Losing control of a chaotic classroom and having it all go to shit. Not sure how that applies to my current life, but I have suspicions. Woke again at four with my brain dwelling on money. Specifically the one credit card I have attached to Amazon, that is nearly maxed out. All the others are $0.
THIS is why I always hated credit cards. Spending money is an easy drug, maybe the worst of them all. It leads to slavery. The bleeding must be stopped.
I took everyone else off my Amazon account and then I took off every payment method but my debit card. Yes, all our meds come from A-zon, but *mine* cost $5 a month for all of them together. Theirs? Not so much. She will need to address that. From now on I'm evaluating every single penny spent on Amazon with a fine tooth magnifying glass.
Meanwhile, the drugs that help stop my chest from aching.
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