As the Christmas season once again begins it's assault, I turn my eye towards a great injustice in our time.
Ebenezer Scrooge.
The man was persecuted by 'the forces of good'. Tortured, maligned, despised, and berated till he fell apart emotionally and gave in to his torturers. He was verbally, emotionally, and physically assaulted in the name of 'The People', all with the goal of breaking him into a gibbering idiot.
All the man ever required of the world was to be left alone. Sure, he amassed wealth, but he did it honestly. People saw him as cruel when he asked no more than to be dealt with honestly, and to have contracts honored as written. He was derided as 'miserly' and 'mean', all for the crime of not throwing away his hard earned wealth in ways pleasing to do-gooders who were sure they knew better than he how to spend his money.
Ebenezer Scrooge was hounded by a Communistic society who's motto of "Share The Wealth" gave them the power to reach not only into mans pockets, but into our very souls.
Tomorrow I shall make my views known on the creature called 'The Grinch', as well.
Charity is what YOU DECIDE to do with your money to help those you deem worthy. Altruism (spiritualism-based socialism) is what some damn corrupt politician does to make him/herself look good, usually running up debt in process, then demands you pay for - HUGE difference!
I had to laugh at this post only because I just finished watching the 1950 something version. I can see what you are saying....but didn't Scrooge also refuse to pay for coal, give his employee any more money for a long period of time. I wouldn't consider that charity. That is just him being a...scrooge?
Scrooge, an old man, was quite comfortable in his chilled business abode. True, he did not provide enough coal to keep his much younger employee in the comfort he wished, but neither did he prevent him from bringing his own coal, did he?
As for the long hours with no extra pay.... Bob Cratchet was a salaried employee. He was expected to get the work done, as his job entailed.... and he was not enslaved. He could have left anytime he wished. Staying on those terms was his choice.
Much as I, a teacher, am expected to do far, far more work than my contracted hours and salary provide for. Staying is my choice, as I am no more slave than Bob Cratchet. I am told simply... "Get the pointless paperwork done or we'll replace you, and no we don't care that it requires your unpaid nights and weekends".
We all have a bit of Bob Cratchet in our lives, and are left with a sense that fairness is lacking in life.... which it is. 'Fair' is a silly, if not assanine, concept. It certainly gives us no right to persecute the Scrooges of the world just to satisfy our own hurt sense of childish want.
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