Friday, September 4, 2020

 "What is your wish?"

I'd be tempted to to say a day without pain, but I've lived long enough to know how fate twists a man's words.  I know my next day without pain will be the day after I die.  You have nothing I want, granter of wishes. Go away.

1 comment:

Windy Wilson said...

I forgot many of the details of this story, but in Ancient Greece, there were two brothers who were big strapping young men, at the peak of their powers. They went to the Olympic Games, and famously took their mother there, pulling her in a wagon themselves (no horse or ox). Also famously, they swept the games, winning in every contest.
That night as they finished celebrating and went to sleep, with their laurels and remnants of their feast around them, their mother prayed to Zeus, or some other god, that they receive the greatest gift any athlete could want. That night they both died quietly in their sleep, without pain, and most significantly, without ever knowing the decline in strength and ability every athlete faces as he grows older.

Indeed. Get away from me, wish-giver!