Saturday, April 30, 2022

Recycle! Reuse! Eat well for cheaper!

This aquarium was leaving, till I thought about it.

Now it's a big terrarium for herbs, on the front porch over summer and inside for the winter. It will fit nicely on a sideboard table we keep in the kitchen, and I'll make a screen top to keep the evil cats out of it.

The aquarium had an LED plant light for aquatic plants. If you don't tell the herbs, I won't either.... now it's a regular plant light.
Two kinds of parsley, chives, and three kinds of basil. If this works... fresh herbs all winter for pennies!

The only danger I see is overwatering, since it doesn't drain. I plan on water control by using a quart mason jar with a small hole punched in the lid. Fill it, turn upside down, set on the potting soil inside the terrarium. That will let me use water soluble fertilizer as well.

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