Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A glimpse into what is driving some politicians in fear right now....


Cory Booker, a truly perfect representative of slimy self-serving politicians everywhere, has admitted he's sucked in over $2 million in 'speaking fees' in the last couple years.

One.... YUGE..... problem for Booker:

"Federal law (5 U.S.C. § 7351) reinforces that congressional members cannot profit from outside speaking gigs while in office. The maximum outside income for 2025 is set at 15% of their base salary ($174,000), or about $26,100 annually, but this applies to earned income like consulting—not honoraria, which are outright banned". (Mila Joy on X)

Looking at the egregious and blatant actions of the Tribes politicians and priests these last 4 years has led me to only one conclusion. They were not concerned with obviously breaking myriad laws because they never expected to lose another election.  They never expected anyone to be a position to make them pay for their crimes.  Losing to Trump (along with both houses) and seeing him surge into office like a tsunami of righteous retribution has really put the fear to them.  So many politicians are seeing themselves in prison before this is over.  I could see a whole new Federal prison being built just to house corrupt politicians.

I sure hope they do public tours. 

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