Friday, January 15, 2010

Xavier packing it in with blogging?

Xavier says he's hanging up the blog.

I have a suspicion what he is feeling right about now. Maybe not exactly, but in general. My own blogging history has had it's ups and downs... lots of them.

Xavier has been in my blog roll about as long as I have had one. That list over on the side of of this page..... yeh, that one. My blog roll is quite simply the people I like to read on a regular basis. Folks who have caught my attention for one reason or another, and become a regular stop on my inter-wanderings. I have found Xavier's words worth my time to read, and that is saying a lot in such a crowded field. I've even had occasion to do a small bit of business with the man, and found him honest and true.

I won't be taking his link off my blog roll. It may sink to the bottom from disuse for a while, but I have hopes he will return. I followed that pattern, and may yet again.

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